The importance of social media

It's impossible to pinpoint the exact beginning, but from a certain point, for me at least, social media became a way of learning things I would never have already known. At this point I still thought the news was stupid and that newspapers were for the elderly, which I admit would have aided the learning process, but I'm talking about our education system.

For some reason, someone decides what is and what isn't necessary to be taught in schools. And for another reason, they decided to leave out a lot of valuable things that, without social media, I would never be told about.

Recently there have been debates about whether homosexuality should be talked about in sexual education, which, firstly highlights the archaic view that homosexuality is directly linked to sexuality and that heterosexuality maintains the golden virtues of the bible, but secondly, baffles me as to why it is even a debate. Why do queer children grow up closeted and ashamed of their feelings so much so that they live in their own constant repression of their emotions? Because no one has ever talked to them about it and explained that there are more complex relationships than just Adam and Eve.

At the large age of 20, I can still proudly say I know very little about taxes and I am terrified to find out. I'm not saying all 7 year olds have to sit down and be taught about capitalism, but once they grow up, people will expect them to know things that they won't, because no one has ever told them. I still don't know how a mortgage works and I'm too scared to ask anyone because the response I'll get it is: "You don't know what a mortgage is?" No, I don't. I was too busy learning how to play rounders which I haven't done once since I left school.

On social media, I learnt what feminism was. Understanding that there is an imbalance between sexes made me realise that some of the things I experienced growing up are because of my sex. Reading things like this shaped my understanding of the world, and gave me the platform to form the opinions that I have today.

But all you hear of social media is how it rots your brain and harms you, and to give credit where it's due, there is a dark side to our phones; there are unrealistic expectations, cyberbullying, dependence on technology, which are what everyone relies on in their argument against social media. The internet can be a scary place, but when used safely, it can teach things that otherwise would never be exposed to people. It's very easy to say "oh you're always on your phone", but from someone who is 'always on their phone', I don't think I would be half the person I am without it.


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